Monday, July 20, 2009


Proof by: David Auburn
Setting: September 1, 2001

Songs and Pictures

(Air, Alone in Kyoto)
I like this music a lot for the transistions between the scenes, I think of Catherine the second I hear this song because it is soft but has a mixture of creative undertones between the soft melodic parts.

(Revolutionary Road Theme)
This would be great music for Robert's scenes and the flashback scenes. It has sadness in the chords but also a possibility for something new. Music is one of my favorite aspects of shows and I think this song really captures the feeling of the show.

(The Arcade Fire, My Body is a Cage)
I think the lyrics of this song mirror those of Robert's and while Hal's Band plays a more "rock" or "punk" song at the beginning of one of the scenes, I think it would be an interesting detail if the band played this song.

(4) If the lighting in the show or the set could incorporate mathematical symbols I think it would give a feeling of confusion which would add another layer to the show.

(5)I picture this as the university that Robert attended everyday for class and the same one where Hal was taught by Robert. Everything has an aged feeling to it.

(6)Since the time of the play takes place at the beginning of Fall I would want those same color tones to be represented in the set and the costumes.

(7)I can see this being one of the places that Hal or Catherine would want to visit on the weekend. Everything in Chicago has a look and feel that it has been around for awhile and has been lived in before and that is how the show should feel.

(8)In addition with Fall, I want the enviroment to feel dead as well, since Robert has very recenetly passed.

(9) This is exactly the type of house that I see Robert and Catherine living in and this is the exact type of housing in the suburbs of Chicago. I also thought it was interesting that there is a for sale sign on the lawn.

(10)This is an actual Chicago subway which Robert, Catherine, and Hal most likely used everyday. Very worn in and something that is used by other people.

Macro View

(1)Noah, a gaur, is born, the first individual of an endangered species to be cloned.
This shows how scientific advances are being made and how they are important to the world and society just as the mathematical proof is in the play.
(2)George W. Bush succeeds Bill Clinton, becoming the 43rd President of the United States.
The president of a certain era always lends helpful information to the world of the play.

(3)Microsoft released Office XP to manufacturing.
Advances are also being made in dititigal technology, just as science and math.

(4)The Bush Tax Cuts are signed into law by U.S. president George W. Bush.
Gives a good insight to the kind of economy of the world of the play in 2001
(5)The world's first self-contained artificial heart is implanted in Robert Tools.
While the previous listed scientific advancement faild (Noah the guar) failed, the artifical heart was a successful advancement in technology.

(6)U.S. President George W. Bush announces his limited support for federal funding of research on embryonic stem cells.
In this time for the world of the play some experimental advances are also being prohibited, so if the proof was figured out it could have people against it.

(7)Almost 3,000 are killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Fight 175crash into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 crashes into a grassland in Shanksville.
This was a huge event in 2001 and while I have set the play in September, I thought it was an important piece of this year to mention for the world of the play.

(8)War in Afghanistan(2001-present) The United States invades Afghanistan, with participation from other nations.
Since so much of the nation's focus was directed toward the war, that could mean that there is less attention given to important advances(mathematical) then there would be if there was not a war going on.
(9)U.S. President George W. Bush signs the USA Patriot Act into law.
This is an example of the kinds of laws put into action due to the 9/11 attacks and this would be the kind of enviroment that the world would be heading in when trying to publish the proof.

(10)Enron files for Chapter 11 Bankrupcty protection 5 days after Dynegy cancels a US$8.4 billion buyout bid (to that point, the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history).
The beginning of the huge economy crisis to come and would effect the kind of funding that they would have to be able to publish the proof, so it may or may not be successful.
http://http// (source for all 10)

Micro View

(1)Heat related deaths --1996-2001
Could prove to be dangerous since Robert was already elderly and the entire show is set on the porch showing that these charcters spent much of their time outdoors.

(2)Chicago 2001 Campaign
A campaign designed to strengthen the Chicago community to all of the great attributes of the city such as the universities.

Shows that Chicago is becoming a safer city to live in which Catherine could use as a reason to stay there instead of going to New York with Claire.

(4)Leading Causes of Death in Illinois
Heart diease is the leading factor for death in Chicago which could have been a cause for Robert's death.
The price that Catherine would have to pay to go back to school since she lost her scholarship to stay at home with her father.

(6)Fall Out Boy Band
This is the same kind of punk music that Hal's Band plays and could have been an influence. The "grunge" music came out of cities like Seattle and Chicago in the early 90's and influenced different types of styles up to the 2000's.
I found this particular project quite difficult at first. I discovered that my searches were way too broad for what we were looking for to help put the pieces of the environment together. Once I realized what I most unsure about, with the certain time period or area it became much easier to delve into the information. Proof has very specific categories in it, mathematics, mental health, schooling, and even bands. By diving into those areas the information became exactly what I needed to put the world of David Auburn’s proof to life, according the USA in the year of 2001 and in Chicago, Illinois 2001.
Given that the play is set in 2001 there was plenty of information to find about the 9/11 attacks. While I set the play on September 1, 2001 I found that researching the events after September 11th were just as equally important. It gives some insight to what the world after the show will be like as well. A play doesn’t just simply begin and end; it came from some where and continues long after the audience leaves. I think it would also be helpful for the actors to know the information concerning 9/11 in the year 2001. After sifting through all of that information I discovered that there were actually many scientific and biological advances that went right along with the play. While the events of “Proof” concern mathematical advancements they are in the same field as science and biology. I found it very intriguing that right at the turn of the century, while we didn’t have flying cars but we were able to clone and gaur and give a man an artificial heart. Since we never find out exactly what the proof is or how exactly it will affect society we can presume that it would be as equally important as cloning. I think that even though it doesn’t necessarily say in the script that it was set in 2001 but was that was the date of the copyright, it makes perfect sense, since all of these same types of advancements were taking place as well.
When I began the micro section of this project I hit a standstill. So I began to search the aspects that relate directly to Chicago. I discovered there was a wave of heat related deaths in Chicago. I found that this was very interesting because Chicago being far north in the United States it would be unlikely for people to suffer death from the heat up there. Since Robert, Catherine and Claire’s father, recently passed when the play began and there is no cause of death it could very well be safe to assume that it may have dealt with the heat since summer is just ending. Another major cause of death in the state of Illinois was heart related disease. This also could have possibly been the cause of death that Robert suffered.
I began to capture the actual feel of the show when I researched the pictures and sound that I would want the show to look and feel like. Since I am more of a visual learner I think this is why I responded so well to the pictures of Chicago rather than to just the information. After looking at the pictures of the Chicago suburbs I realized the kind of life that Catherine was really stuck in taking care of her father but also the reason why she couldn’t leave it. The city feels like a home. It feels and looks like where families and people have been living for generations and it’s where new people will come to find their home as well. I think the sound came from the actual voice of the script and what it would sound like if it was spoken with music. Music and sound are always one of my favorite parts of dissecting and reconstructing a script.
All in all while this project was difficult it really helped to bring the show to life and put it in a real world. It helps to have the big picture as well as the small picture. While the pictures and sound are more subjective that just simple facts it is also an important factor in bringing a script to life.

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